Monday, February 12, 2007

Tiki Tock

Dear Family and Friends:

Thank you SO much for those who have written! We really enjoyed the notes from home. We are sorry we have been unable to do much with the Blog due to our difficulties and lack of knowledge with the internet.

We have had a BUSY and wonderful past few days. Friday morning we did some shopping at the bazaar and then went to Brenna's Home to meet the children after school. Rich and I stayed there for dinner. They cooked a nice meal for us. Unfortunately, Sergi was sick and had a high fever that day and had stayed home from school. He wasn't able to have any fun with us because he had to stay in bed. We had brought some medicine from home so we were able to treat his symptoms ( high fever, sore throat and stuffy nose). Pastor Victor and his wife, Luda, joined us for dinner there also. We made a list that evening of household things needed for Brenna's Home

Saturday morning, Rich and I got us early and went back to the bazaar to buy the things on the list. We bought a new Iron, dishes, steak knife set, food processor and blender, glasses, new tea pot, cooking utensils and a non stick frying pan. The two housemother's were thrilled and said it was like we were "Santa Claus"! We spent about 200 dollars ( money goes so far here)
Saturday afternoon, after delivering the things we bought to Brenna's home, we met the rest of our group at the church and about 55 other children from the Tabitha program. We loaded all of them and us on a bus and went to "Ticky Tock" for the afternoon.( It is like a "Chuckie Cheese" place in America). We used some of the money donated by the New Beginnings Church for this outing. They were SO excited! We spent 2 hours there and were able to treat all of them to drinks and snacks as well. One of the highlights of that trip was watching 7 year old Patrick, who is in a wheelchair due to Spina Bifida, enjoy himself there. It was the first time he was able to go there. We carried him in and his wheelchair. He was able to crawl through the tunnels using his hands and arms and enjoy some of the games from his wheelchair!
That evening, (last night) after Ticky Tock, we took the 4 children from Brenna's Home back here with us. We cooked them( and Pastor Victor and his family) an American meal here! We had Chicken Parm. and spaghetti. (Halla later said she didn't know what she ate but is sure was good!!).
We then surprised them with a birthday cake for the 4 of them( because we won't be here for all their birthday's) and decorated with balloons! ( I'm getting pretty good at baking cakes here now!)
Rich did hair cutting and styling for all four and we stayed up until after 12! It was a lot of fun. Yulia slept in with Rich and I and we enjoyed hearing Halla, Katia and Brianna talk and giggle for a while as they tried to settle down in the living room to sleep. Sergi went to bed early as he was still not feeling well.

We all made it to church on time this morning and Rich continues his music ministry even here is Ukraine! We and Pastor Victor did a song in church . We also enjoyed a children's choir do a few songs. One of the men from the Blind Bible study also got us and gave a wonderful and very moving testimony too. It brought tears to my eyes. After church, we all went to Brenna's Home and were treated to a delicious meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and salad. We plan to go back to church at 6 pm for the youth service where Rich will play and sing again.

I am not sure if I mentioned in an earlier e mail or not but there were 5 children in Brenna's home but one left at then end of January ( Marta). She was the new one who had joined just before our trip last year. She had finished high school and her mother now has a better job. She decided to go back with her mother as she didn't like the "rules" at Brenna's home. We were sorry she is gone and are praying all goes well for her.

The children have been enjoying all the many clothes and things we were able to bring over as well as the socks Karen has been able to purchase for them here from the money people donated THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
We are taking lots of pictures and videos and will have much to show when we get back. Here are a few...
Yulia playing with new plastic tea and dish set which we purchased at the bazaar
Patrick (7 year-old with spina bifida) at Tiki Tock

Donna with some of the girls at Tiki Tock

Love and prayers, Donna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a blesing to see Patrick out having fun :)